luni, 12 septembrie 2011

Get video Marketing BLASTER free

We've been looking over the blog comments and I just found this post from someone named Eddie:
"Guys, can we see one example of one of your videos and some more detailed info on
how video marketing blaster works?"

And you know what? HE'S GOT A POINT.

So this blog post is created to SHOW YOU OUR ACTUAL NICHES AND VIDEOS ...and give you an inside scoop on how this stuff works.
I don't know why so many "Gurus" refuse to show you their "real" info, but we're happy to do it.

( I will not show you our current niches,  and I hope you understand why... YouTube is still one of our most important sources of income and I don't want my niches to become over populated, but I will show you some of our videos that we used a month ago )

Here is a video slide show, showing you some results that we got using VMB:

Untitled from chuck online on Vimeo.

I will post in here some screenshots to show you that VMB delivers what we promice:


1) Proof 1 - 8000 views in one day... The niche was suggested by VMB and the titles/description/tags generated by VMB.

2) Proof 2 - after 3 hours we ranked in top position even if there were 159.000 results for that keyword

3) Proof 3 - in less then 5 minutes we ranked our video for a very competitive movie ( titles/descriptions/tags generated by VMB)


4) Proof 4 - the best part of VMB is that it will generate your titles/descriptions to target multiple keywords


5) Proof 5 - Using MVB and Video Marketing Blaster at the same time proved to be a killer solution. Using the niches suggested by VMB and exporting a list of titles/descriptions/tags and MVB takes your work on autopilot

Get video Marketing BLASTER free

6) Proof 6 - Some niches suggested by VMB that proved to be a gold mine for us

Get video Marketing BLASTER free

Get video Marketing BLASTER free

Un comentariu:

  1. Hey…your blog is the best in the online town. I have become an ardent fan of your writing. Good work, dude! I have just been `let go’ from my job. So, I think I will not go searching door to door for another opening. Now, you have made it clear to me that the world is at my fingertips. Tell me if you know of any freelance openings on the World Wide Web so that I can post my graphics work and earn some money. I too checked out some excellent and credible sites like, small business marketing services, and a few such marketplaces. I will keep you posted if I know more, and you do the same for me please!
